Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Although I hadn't planned on planting potatoes this year, I was given a few pounds of seed potatoes from a friend, so I'm very happy to dedicate a plot to potatoes.

I would like to do what this blogger did and keep track of the pounds of produce the garden produces and estimate the amount it would have cost me to buy the same amount in the store.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Wednesday May 9th, 2012

clean the kitchen
overcast, occasional showers
pasta with red sauce
artisan bread
Notes of the Day:
- Today was library day.  The first 3 books in the Melendy Quartet arrived.  I'm looking forward to reading them with the boys.
- Many little baby beet plants are poking up their heads in the garden.
- Tio and Mia are still cutting teeth.

Wash on Monday

I'm beginning to think that there is great wisdom in the old nursery rhyme:

"Wash on Monday,
Iron on Tuesday,
Mend on Wednesday,
Churn on Thursday,
Clean on Friday,
Bake on Saturday,
Rest on Sunday."

I find that when I have way too much going on, not too much gets done.  When I take a day and focus on just one thing, I make progress.

So, I'm going to come up with an updated version for myself and see how that works.

"Wash on Monday,
School Prep on Tuesday,
Menu Plan on Wednesday,
Bake on Thursday,
Clean on Friday,
Spend time with the family on Saturday,
Rest on Sunday."

Of course, there will be many, many other things to do on those days, but if I place my focus and my goals on achieving those things on those days, I won't feel so bad about neglecting the other things.